Thursday, 21 April 2011

How to clean Artichokes

It's easter time... which means: asperges, salmon, lamb, strawberries and artichokes! All of them will be on the blog sooner or later this week...

Who else has major problems cleaning artichokes like me? I think I have thrown away a dozen in forms of pasta and risotto just because I hadn't managed to clean them well.... And really, the tough leaves of the artichokes are NOT good!
But as you know, I do not give up easily so I called in some 'professional' help! So I called Chef Stefano who taught me some tricks and tips on how to clean artichokes

How to clean artichokes:

1. Cut of the top of the artichoke
2. Tear off all the hard and green leaves - you will have to tear off many many leaves!
3. Tear off the leaves until you reach the soft and white leaves.
4. Using a sharp little knife, cut off the stem in an oblique way
5. Your artichoke is ready for use...

If you have time, let the artichokes soak in lemon water (water with a couple of lemon slices in it) for 30 minutes. This will soften the artichoke heart even more.

You can do many nice things with artichokes....
  • risotto
  • pasta
  • souffle
  • quiche
  • broiled with herbs and lemon
  • steamed with lemon vinaigrette 
  • stuffed porkribs 
  • salads
  • and many more...
Stay tuned for 'How to's'...
Buon Appetito
Chef Steph

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